Saturday, June 6, 2015

Type-In Part One: The People

Vermont's first Type-In was a great success.  Eleven people came to the Maglianero Cafe in Burlington, Vermont to treasure some fine manual typewriters. Debbie came first and typed all afternoon on my SM3. Jenn brought her daughter Gillianne who looked like she was well on her way to getting vintage typewriter for her writing.  Ryan came up from the Connecticut River valley with a brown and tan twin to my black and white Underwood Quiet Tab Deluxe.  Margot came from the local paper and typed in between interviews.  Nicki brought her son Derek who got his Smith-Corona repaired.  Sam, of Samfixit, repaired a number of machines besides Derek's.  It was fantastic to see so many typing enthusiasts leaving with smiles on their faces and their newly repaired machines.  I'd like to give a big shout-out to Maddie and everyone at the Maglianero Cafe for hosting us. Everyone had a great time and asked that I schedule another type-in soon- and I will!

A back seat full of typewriters!


  1. Replies
    1. It was a blast. Fun to see another Quiet Tab Deluxe at the Type-In. Mine had the slanted apostrophe and Ryan's did not. Makes me wonder why they changed it - except that making an exclamation point on mine look odd. I guess I need to calm down.

  2. Wonderful! That's a great turnout. You had some neat typewriters and typists there.

    1. It was a great event. One of the best parts for me was when Samfixit repaired a Silent Secretarial that a young student of mine had brought by. I will be holding another event this fall, perhaps to coincide with the release of your book.

  3. Looks great! I *almost* drove over from Maine -- maybe next time.

    1. Oh, I wish you had driven over. I plan to hold another Type-In this fall. Perhaps you can come then.

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